Thursday, October 27, 2016

It's All About Muhammad: A Biography of the World's Most Notorious Prophet

by F. W. Burleigh 
Why all the car bombs, beheadings, and mass murders in the Middle East? Why the relentless killing of non-Muslims throughout the world by the followers of Muhammad's religion? Why Boston, Paris, San Bernardino, Brussels, Orlando, and, Nice, and now . . . ?
Author F. W. Burleigh draws on an academic, investigative, and literary background to bring forth this penetrating look at what is behind it all. Burleigh’s interest in Islam was sparked by the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The question guiding his studies was, “Why is there so much violence connected with this religion?” After a line-by-line scrutiny of 20,000 pages of the original literature of Islam, the author gives his blunt assessment in the title: It’s All About Muhammad.
The book contains 25 stunningly bold illustrations and is divided into three parts: The Cave, The Twilight Zone, and Darkness at Noon. The first 12 chapters explore evidence that Muhammad experienced epileptic fits that convinced him he was in communion with God. They explain the Koran and why Muhammad composed it the way he did. They show the humble origin of the Kabah, which only attained its cubic shape in the year A.D. 605 with Muhammad as a member of the construction crew. These first chapters also expose the magma chamber of hatred that formed in him due to traumatic early-life experiences, and they track the emergence of what can be described as a psychopathic nature. His belief in himself as the "last and final messenger" led him finally to declare war on all people who refused to accept him and his religion.
In the second part, Muhammad's magma erupts on the world. The book shows the creation of his al-qaeda--his base of operations in Yathrib (Medina) where he fled after the Meccans decided they had to kill him; his conflict with the Jewish tribes of Yathrib after they refused to accept him as their prophet; his genocide of the Jews including the beheading of the men of an entire tribe; the assassination of his critics; the battles and raids and orgies of rape, plunder, and slaughter; and finally his conquest of Mecca. Like a dramatic arc, these 18 chapters form Act II of a script that is still being played out today.
In the final part, Muhammad's conquest of all of Arabia is presented. This section also gives an account of his numerous wives and the expansion of his wars beyond the confines of the Arabian Peninsula. One of the final chapters explores his claim that he will be the first to be resurrected on the day of resurrection and that he will assist God in determining who goes to heaven.
What Muhammad created continues to wreak havoc on the world, and that is because Muslims are obligated to follow the example of Muhammad—his sunna, which is where the Sunnis take their name. And his sunna includes the example of the violence he committed against people who rejected him.
It is not sufficient any longer merely to raise the alarm about Islam--an ideology of submission to the will of a psychologically deformed and spiritually bankrupt man. What needs to accompany the alarm is a solution, and this book offers a solution: It is a matter of an aggressive, relentless, and unapologetic exposure of the truth about Muhammad in every graphic form possible, from illustrated books to docudramas to full-length feature films. With its 25 illustrations, It's All About Muhammad offers itself as an example of the approach. The truth about Muhammad is a powerful weapon of self-defense that people must take up to oppose and ultimately push back what he created. The truth about him can bring an end to what he created, and it is a weapon within the reach of everyone.

Reviews :
By M
The author, after researching some 20,000 pages of documents, writes in great detail about what it was like in the Arabian Peninsula in the time of Muhammad. At times, I actually felt like I was there listening to this snake-oil salesman, or watching the reactions of the people he was ordering to be slaughtered like goats, or feeling what must have been felt by the women of these conquered tribes who had just watched in horror while their husbands, sons, brothers, and the male members of their families, were beheaded in front of their own eyes as they were rounded up to be taken to the slave markets, or distributed to his soldiers as “booty” – their rewards for their murdering rampages through these conquered communities.

Burleigh writes so the reader can almost enter the mind of Muhammad as he is “inventing” another verse from the lips of Gabriel, who of course, is merely repeating what God has told him to convey to his messenger. In actuality, these conversations were the inventions of Muhammad and acted out so as to bolster the "authenticity" of his verses....... that would live forever in the writings of the Qu'ran and be repeated by millions of "believers" in the centuries to come. At the time, his audience was composed of ignorant, superstitious, carnal desert dwellers whose power came from the swords they wielded. Easy to manipulate and eager to spill blood in return for a guarantee of entry to paradise and an eternal escape from the harsh environments in which they existed.

He describes how Muhammad would wash his hands, arms, and feet for his required “ablutions” before prayers, and like a mafia Don, before the world had even heard the word “Mafia,” allow his sycophantic followers to grovel around him and partake of that water as an “ointment” to rub on their skins, or to sip it as an elixir. Abu Sufyan, the leader of the hold outs in Mecca, after seeing this, realized that even he, who had at times led 10,000 warriors into battle, could not imagine even a single man in his army would have done the same for him.

Burleigh projects a psychologist’s view of what inspired Muhammad to believe he was God’s chosen “final” prophet. He says that Muhammad was a victim of epilepsy, what they called the “falling sickness,” in those days of ignorance. He suggests that Muhammad had visions that came to him while he was in the midst of these attacks and interpreted them as messages from an angel from God: Gabrielle, who spoke to him personally. Burleigh makes it sound like a reasonable, and believable, result of a medical phenomenon. I agree that perhaps it is a possible viewpoint into Muhammad’s illusion of conversations with Gabrielle, but as for the continuation after the early epileptic fits, I don’t buy it. After the early "recitations," it was pure meglomaniacal egotism and his murderous self-aggrandizement efforts at total control. Regardless, because of the absence of Muhammad’s medical records at the local medical clinic, what Burleigh projects is mere conjecture. But that’s just my opinion.

Browsing another website, I saw a post by some guy who said, "This is the most important book written in the past 100 years." I don't know about the "100 years," but without a doubt, this book is extremely important and very, very timely. Today we're seeing some of the most gruesome savagery that has ever confronted the modern civilized world, and it's being perpetrated in the name of God. Yes, there are historical precedents in medieval times by those of other religions, but today we're hearing explanations from supposedly informed sources as to the contemporary causes of it. Trouble is, that without the knowledge that comes from this and other books like it, you'll be completely incompetent to make a sound judgement of whether or not you're hearing the truth. Worse yet, you may be put in a position where you must cast a vote for or against someone who has expounded a position on this issue. Certainly, you'll be at sea without this background. And to be a really competent judge, you must read at least three books on this topic: The first should be "In This Arab Time" by Fouad Ajami (RIP). His book will give you a concise historical perspective on the politics of the entire middle east. The second book must be this one by Burleigh for an extensive and detailed history of Islam. Next, your third read must be, "Iran's Final Solution for Israel" by Andrew G. Bostom. Personally, I had trouble stopping there, and so will you. Nevertheless, have at it with Robert Spencer, Syed Salem Shahzad (RIP), Carlotta Gall and others. They'll give you the shade and color. Ultimately, there will be the question of the credibility or accuracy of Burleigh's book by its negative critics. After all the reading I've done on this topic, I say that there is a consistency among the writings and a responsibility reflected in the research and references by these authors, such that, even deducting a sizable amount for the inevitable exaggerations and biases of almost any human author, this stuff is dead-on credible. And to those who say, "Islam is peace," I say, let's hear it - that part of it - that's peace! I take it on faith that it must be there. And, hopefully, it's there to the extent and credibility as is the opposite in this book. Furthermore, I say that there is a profound mandate on any Muslim academic and cleric who so believes, to broadcast that peaceful part of it, loudly, clearly and credibly, far and wide - NOW! Otherwise, the truth about Islam will rest with Burleigh, Bostom, Spencer and others who tell it so convincingly, as they see it. I would give this book six stars, if I could.

About the Author

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